Management and leadership development

Young leaders are often selected and promoted because of their superior performance as individual collaborators. However, their appointment rarely comes with practical support that can help them transition from personal leadership to team leadership.

A personnel manager’s work is fundamentally different from that of an individual employee. To increase the chances of success for managers as they move from one level of an organization to another, the manager must be conscious of the new position’s expectations and develop specific human resources management skills.

With over 30 years of experience generating commitment, Gordian Management can equip managers who want to get the most out of their work team.

With Gordian Management, make the human element the key to your organizational success.



Develop leadership skills



Increase team support and commitment



Drive innovation and idea generation

Gordian Management helps you develop your leadership skills

Engaging employees and leading them to a higher level of commitment is a constant challenge. However, contrary to what many may think, the human qualities and skills required to manage work teams are not innate. Indeed, many of them can be developed and cultivated:

  • Efficient time allocation
  • Strategic task delegation
  • Ability to communicate effectively
  • Empathic listening
  • Adaptation following feedback

With its collaborative and participatory approach, the Gordian Management team uses different methods to improve managers’ soft skills.

Simulation software

Managers can become familiar with some of the challenges they might face by using computer tools like simulation software. Placed in virtual situations where they must demonstrate leadership, managers will have a better understanding of the requirements of their new role, particularly the need to support their direct reports and engage them while having the ability to challenge their work methods using a collaborative approach.

Case studies

Case studies are an excellent way to understand the positive, and even negative, effects of some of the actions taken by managers. Although each work team has its own personality, connections can be still made between different professional environments. This way, leaders can better understand the expectations of their position.

Creative tools

Being a leader also means being creative and finding innovative solutions when problematic situations like resistance to change arise. Using games and art, you can enrich the manager’s thinking and break them out of the traditional mode of thought. A true leader will stand out for his or her ability to develop strategies adapted to his or her teams.

Contact Gordian Management and give yourself the means to develop effective leaders

For your company to succeed, all employees and stakeholders must be committed to the projects and objectives. However, this cannot be done without the contribution of charismatic leaders who can rally individuals around a common cause.

To benefit from expert advice and even training (instructor training, presentation techniques, women in leadership, team building), you can count on the Gordian Management team and its decades of experience.